Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First day of snow!


DIY REDS! said...

i am looking forward to that and dreading it at the same time. for some reason it doesn't sound appealing to have a new baby and two kids and try to navigate in the snow. and i think winter stays far past its welcome. (we got snow up until may last year). but it looks like a blast too.

Brooke said...

And so it begins! Fun times for your kids. Winters in Rigby are definitely a lot more interesting than winters in Reno because there is actually snow that stays on the ground for a long period of time! Have fun!

Kelsey Carreon said...

THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! we soo miss you guys!!! Christina gets so excited whenever we look at your blog and loves me to read to her about Peter and Andrews adventures!