Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Sunday, July 13, 2008

How are we, you ask?

(Our dream house)
Randall and I met at BYU-Provo and married five months later. We have since had three children and moved three times: each time to a new state. Palm Springs, CA was hot. I made a couple wonderful friends, but don't miss it. Reno, NV was almost perfect... except we had hit a dead end to Randall's career and didn't ever feel we'd be able to have a home. So we packed up our little family and moved to Rigby, ID. Randall's parents are on their second church mission and we are house-sitting. Ignorantly, we thought Randall would be able to find a job easily. Now, three-and-a-half months later, we are deeper in debt and have finally received our first meager paycheck. So, either the product of desperation or the product of blessings soon to be recognized, we are striking out on our biggest move yet. But this is not a physical move like so many before. We are going to take a big financial and career move. Or maybe I should just call it a risk. I just hope we are strong enough to suceed.

I know I'm being vague and so I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to write this down. But I wanted to write something to let everyone know what's going on with us. Yet at the same time I'm being vague because I don't want to face any scoffs from all my loved ones.

Let me give this example. When teams are playing basketball and someone takes a wild shot far outside the three-point line, one of two things happen. 1: The shot goes through the basket. 2: the shot misses. If the shot misses, inevitably the announcers denounce the risky shot as foolishness. Yet if the shot goes in the announcers inevitably apllaud the player for his brilliance and daring.

This all occurs within seconds.

Our big risk will take more than just seconds for a final outcome to be realized. In the intterum I don't really want to face people "announcing" our foolishness. So hopefully, maybe 6 months to a year down the road, I'll give full-disclosure and my comment section will be full of applause.

And that is how we're doing. How are you?


Anonymous said...

Hey Sara-- don't worry. Things always work out. I think everyone is rooting for them to as well!

Kelsey Carreon said...

I agree.. it always works out some how.. though not how you always expect in the end. Edric and I thought we would be in Reno for about 4 years then we would be moving up to Seattle where we would settle down. Well Reno is now our permanent home and we would have never thought that in the beginning. Hey call me I lost your number... I have super funny stories and I haven't talked to you in a while. BTW our phone number is not changing when we move

Mike and Ashley said...

Even though you are nervous, you have always been a very strong and faithful person and I know that Heavenly Father is with you in all this. Unfortunately, that doesn't always mean that we won't fail (fail in our own minds), it just means that He knows what's best and will guide you to what you need to be doing. Sometimes that means batting or shooting blindly, but eventually making it in a different hoop that we cannot see right now! Sure love you and your example!

A & M Ras said...

Sara & Randall,
I totally understand where you are coming from. We have lived through quite the rollercoaster for the last little while. Just when we thought we had seen the light we are put back in the tunnel to restart the race. It is a very frustrating process but know Heavenly Father is watching out for you. Email me and I will send you my phone # so if you ever need to vent you can call me. Good luck with the journey!!!

Brooke said...

You guys will be fine. Chad wishes I would have been more willing to take the same sort of risk 4 years ago. But since I'm a wimp and wanted to graduate, we didn't. Good Luck! Oh and when you are making money hand over fist, don't forget the little people!