Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Monday, July 13, 2009

FINE! I'll come back.

I have not blogged on here since living in ID, before I took a job as assistant manager at World Gym. Now I'm hundreds of miles away, living in the Dallas, TX area working at LA Fitness as an aerobics intructor but mostly staying at home with my boys. I've met some wonderful women here and it seems all of them blog to one extent or another (yes, I'm talking about you!). So through the powerful methods of peer pressure I'm going to attempt to resume blogging. Not this morning per se... I've got to get my fitness groove on. But I promise to update my page soon and check everyone else's blogs. Love you all. Seriously. No, seriously. Don't take my love for granted. Yes, I'm talking to you! Ok, I'll shut up now.