One of the things I wanted to do with the boys this summer is to get them in a good exercise routine. We have a very safe neighborhood with almost no traffic where our street lies. There is a perfect block that isn't too big that the boys and I will jog. The boys track their laps. I snagged the below "Aerobic Activity Log" from an already made format on our Works Spreadsheet program. (I'm NOT good with works so there's some things that I deleted and just left there, etc. If I were smart it would look a bit different. But I'm just grateful I had something to work with!) This is how our morning goes:
We all sit down and stretch together. After stretching we eat breakfast and the boys brush their teeth and get ready to run. After running (oh and I just walk with Blake, if you were wondering) we go back inside. I then test Peter and Andrew on their sit-ups, push-ups, and toe reaches. I also time how long they can hold up their bodies with their palms on the high stools(I'm sure there's a real name for it but I just call it a body lift). The kids love trying to beat the previous day. It also allows us to talk about muscle groups, how to do a good stretch, how to push your body without overexerting, and how to make healthy and attainable goals.
If you'll notice Peter's sit ups and push ups went down by a lot. Each day I work a little harder and their technique. For example, kids do not naturally understand how to position their body for a push-up so I'm helping by holding their midsection and thereby taking a lot of their weight off the muscle that should be working. I'm hoping that by the end of the summer they will be able to have good form.
Beside our new work-out regimen, I've also been able to tag piano practicing on to the morning routine. It has been great and worked really well. Even today, when we had somewhere to be early this morning so the exercising it going to happen in the evening, they still sat down and did their piano. Blake will even "take a turn" which means he pounds the keys from low to high, high to low, black keys, white keys, and then he'll put a keyboard diagram on his keys and say his letters while playing his notes.
I've made a chart to help organize my week.
No I don't do everything perfect and I've changed things a bit. But since I've only four more weeks of pregnancy, if I didn't have ideas laid out for every day, I'd probably just lay on the couch all day long and yell at the kids periodically to stop fighting. This way, for example, the kids know that we go to the pool M W F so they don't bother me about it T and TH. I did make a journal jar that has journaling ideas for the kids. They take turns each day picking out a topic then write and draw whatever they want.
I decided to change how I do chores for the summer because it just works better for me to play the chores a bit by ear right now. Most days my energy has been pretty high so I can do a lot of things myself, then have the kids fill in the blanks.
I find it interesting that I feel less stressed about the house and find it easier to do chores with the kids home all the time. I think partly it has a lot to do with not being so alone all the time. Yesterday I let Peter go to his friends house. Within a half an hour I felt extremely bored and didn't want to do anything. I realized that I really really enjoy my kids being with me. I cheated and just took the other kids to his friends house and hung out with his friends my (my friend).
Do my kids have to go back to school after summer? Am I going to be singing a completely different tune in another week? We'll see.
So far, so good. Woah. Deja Vu.
Sara, you are such a great example to me. Each time I read about what is new with you, and how you are raising your boys, it gets me excited to have kids of my own. Most of the time I feel alone, and it makes me happy that you find such good company with your kids, and are active in so many different activities with them. I am definitely going to be coming to you for these cute little ideas. You are such a good Mom and I love you. You and Laura are such good examples to me. Showing me how I can improve my life before kids, and how I can make it that much cooler when I do end up having kids. Most times I think I'm ready to have children. But I know that wont really happen until Josh and I feel comfortable with our financial situation. Or who knows, maybe we wont last that long. It's funny thinking about how long it will be till I have kids. I still think I have so much I want to do before I enter that next chapter in my life. Also so much to learn. I think most of my problems would be solved if Josh and I just moved to texas. I miss you and your boys so much. Love you:)
I mean... you know... moving to Texas... there's a house right next to me... I'm just sayin'.
Muahahaha. Maybe you and Josh should come out when we have the kid/the baby blessing. Peter's baptism date is August 13th. Maybe we'll bless the baby about the same time. Josh could look for a job or something. We could put out his resume before you get there. Same with you. I'm. Just. Sayin'. :D
Oh and thanks for the parenting compliment. It's always needed.
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