Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Friday, June 27, 2008

Silly dreams

Well, I know it's a bit foolish, being a mother of 3, but I can't help myself. I checked the American Idol website and they're doing auditions this year in SLC, UT and I've just gotta go. I know it's just a looooooooong shot (seriously the show is so unlike the real process where there are thousands of great singers and the show is looking for something specific for that year and blah blah blah) but it would just be so much fun. I told myself that I'd stop the crazy American Idol dreaming because I'm just "getting old" (not really that I'm getting old but that, in case you missed this point, I have 3 kids!) But I did say, in the recesses of my head, that I would audition if the oportunity fell into my lap. Well, living in Rigby, ID, you can't wish for a closer location than SLC. It's about 3 hours away and I have tons of family that I can ask/beg/plead to watch my children for me while I audition. But the biggest wrench is that I'm still nursing Blake so I'd really like him to stay with me. Which then means I'd probably need a friend to stand in line and be crazy with me. Like I say, it just has to fall into my lap to work... 3 kids... under the age of 4... well Peter will be 5 by the audition date. Auditions are July 29th. I know it's silly, but I guess sometimes dreams are.
-picture of AI auditions 2004


AJ said...

Ah, you should totally do it. Then we might actually watch American Idol

Kelsey Carreon said...

I think you should go for it!! I would watch!! Knock them out!!

Loraleigh said...

july 29th, eh?... we're going up for the 24th plus a few more days (we haven't decided which yet).... maybe if you come up for the weekend beforehand we can cross paths and introduce the babies, who were practically born the same day... hmmm...

The Larsens said...

ooo, that is SOOOOOOOOOO tempting ll! We'll see how it works out.

Kim said...

You go girl! I've heard you sing...Simon will love it!

Anonymous said...

You are talented and a babe... go for it!!