Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Sometimes I can't decide if I understand men so little or if I understand them more than I use to and the lack of mystery makes them less interesting. Maybe as opposite genders we should just stop trying to figure each other out. Maybe if we really understood one another we'd be so put off that we'd just rather stay on opposite ends of the dance floor. Maybe the mystery is the greatest blessing we are given.
As I laid out in the sun today and my wonderful hubby played in the pool with the boys my mind wandered as it almost constantly does. Now, there's no way I am going to let you all dive that deep into my mind by telling you all my strands of thought, but my thoughts often end in, "I wonder what Randall would think if he knew what went on in my head?"
Am I the only person that has constant embarrassing, degrading, creepy, sad, wistful, pleasant, futuristic, abstract, nostalgic, strange thoughts flawlessly braiding together, weaving along the neural pathways? Can you imagine if someone could actually hear every thought that skips across your deep inner mind?! If men could hear what women think about and women could hear what men would think about would we love each other more? Be more humble? Be too grossed out to even make contact? Or, bringing you two readers back to my original thought, would we just be turned off?
I like not understanding my spouse. I enjoy this aura of mystery or my own naivety. I think these things fuel a relationship with a constant sense of desire that helps us continuously propel ourselves toward the future, toward tomorrow. Always wondering, always guessing, arguing, battling, making up, being surprised, making goals, changing goals, changing desires, gives a momentum to a relationship that keeps it interesting.
I like interesting.


Rachey said...

You are so funny. I often wonder what people would think of me if they could hear all my thoughts.

The Larsens said...

Oh I'm pretty sure if people could hear all my thoughts I'd be banished as everyone stood in mock horror when secretly they'd be thinking, "I've had the same thoughts." I am often reminded of how quickly we are as a society to condemn people. For example, female teachers that carry on relationships with their students. Not that it is a good choice, but everyone acts as if it's totally unnatural for a female in her mid twenties to be attracted to an eighteen year old boy. That just that process of thinking is so completely foreign that it would never even occur to the whole of society that something like that could possibly happen.