Building Heaven on Earth

Building Heaven on Earth

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tooth Fairy

It finally happened. My big boy lost his first tooth. When he first informed me that

his tooth was wobbly I got teary eyed. My boy is growing up! He starts first grade on Monday and we are all so excited. And now he gets to run around showing his Kindergarten friends (now his first grade friends) his new toothy smile. He sticks his tongue through the hole and whistles something FIERCE! What a KID! And see, his hair is nice and fuzzy for school. So handsome.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I think I will start to update mine after my baby shower tomorrow. :)

kmcbeth said...

YAY! Peter has hair again :) It's strange how fast hair grows back. It feels like I was just in texas, can you believe that it's been a month since i was there? insane in the membrane...insane in the brain! How long did he have the avatar hair cut for?

The Larsens said...

Just for a couple of days. He had fun with it, then he had so much fun being completely bald. it was a fun thing to do before school started. And now his hair is long enough that he looks very ncie for school so it worked out well.